Free shipping for all U.S. orders
Bloop offers shipping exclusively within the United States.
Handling Time: Orders are processed within 1-2 business days, from Monday to Friday.
Transit Time: Delivery takes approximately 3-5 business days, from Monday to Friday.
Carriers: We use USPS and UPS for shipping.
Rates: Shipping costs are calculated based on real-time shipping rates.
For any modifications to your order, please contact us promptly at or through our automated help desk on our website. Note that changes cannot be made once the product has been shipped.
If your order hasn’t arrived, but the tracking status indicates it has been delivered, please first contact the courier to track your shipment. If issues persist, email us at for assistance.
For any additional questions or support, you can reach our customer service team at:
Phone: +18554468256
Instagram @bloopcare
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Sign up and be among the first to receive product updates, new offerings, access to exclusive deals, and more.
Address: 24 Veterans Square, Media, PA 19063
Phone: +1 (855) 446-8256
@2025 GotBloop – A Three Nations Corp Company. All Rights Reserved.
Amany Mansour-Awad is a pioneering force in compounding pharmacy, specialty healthcare, and personal care.
Amany identified and addressed market voids with the inception of Chemistry Rx, a preeminent, woman-owned compounding pharmacy catering to rare disease patients. Chemistry Rx is one of the country’s largest compounding pharmacies and is known for its groundbreaking formulations for the skin, hair and innovative ingredients.
Taking her vision further, she launched Bloop, a personal care brand centered on natural ingredients, championing the philosophy of “Wellness for our body’s most sensitive area.” Bloop is dedicated to restoring and maintaining anorectal health for all. Throughout her career, Amany’s continuous innovation and leadership have persistently transformed healthcare and personal care landscapes.